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After a Car Accident, Here is Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

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Sudbury personal injury lawyers at Paquette & Paquette get results for their clients that prove time and again why hiring a personal injury lawyer is the best choice for car accident victims. Our law firm has been representing injured plaintiffs for over 50 years. We have built a strong reputation for protecting the rights of our clients and maximizing compensation in their claims for personal injury. Sudbury lawyers at our firm add value to every claim they handle. Here is how they do it, and why you should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer to help you with your case.  

Why you should hire a personal injury lawyer after a car accident

Why should you hire a personal injury lawyer if you have been injured in a car accident? Here are just some of the ways a skilled personal injury lawyer can make a difference in the outcome of your case.

Your personal injury lawyer will deal with the insurance company for you

Very soon after a car accident, when you are vulnerable, emotional, and in pain from your injuries, insurance companies will start contacting you. Their job is to minimize the payout in your claim. Insurance adjusters may ask you to make a statement, sign documents, or provide access to your medical information. From the moment you hire a personal injury lawyer, the lawyer will take over communication with the insurer and advise you on what you are required to sign, say, or provide to the insurance company.

Your personal injury lawyer will evaluate your claim and any settlement offers

The insurance company may pressure you to accept money to settle your claim, often in the early days before you know how your injuries will affect you or whether you will fully recover. If the insurance company puts forward a settlement offer, do not accept it before consulting with a personal injury lawyer to find out if the offer is fair and the timing is right. A skilled personal injury lawyer can review your case and provide you with an assessment of the range of damages you can expect to receive for your injuries.

Your personal injury lawyer will fight back and build your case

Knowing the value of your claim based on your injuries is the starting point. Then you need to consider defences the insurance company will raise to try to reduce what they pay you. They may deny liability altogether, try to pin some of the blame for the car accident on you, or raise the defence of contributory negligence. It may be necessary to gather police reports and witness statements, and in some cases, get evidence from an accident reconstruction expert to prove that the other driver was at fault for the accident. A seasoned personal injury lawyer knows the case law on liability and what evidence is necessary to prove fault for the accident.

Your personal injury lawyer will gather evidence to prove your injuries and losses

Another way the insurance company will try to undermine your claim by arguing that the accident did not cause your injuries as alleged. They may also take the position that a pre-existing condition is the real cause of your current suffering, or that you failed to mitigate the injuries you sustained. An accident victim bears the burden of proving that the injuries they sustained caused past wage loss and the potential for loss of earnings in the future, and must also prove out-of-pocket expenses and claims for the cost of care and treatment in the future. A personal injury lawyer is skilled at gathering and analyzing the strength of evidence to prove each of your injuries and the full extent of your losses.

Your personal injury lawyer will guide you to making smart decisions

If you do not have a trusted personal injury lawyer advising you, how can you know your options and make decisions about which option is best for you? When you hire a personal injury lawyer, the process will be less stressful because your lawyer will explain all of your legal options and help you understand the many aspects of a personal injury claim.

You may want to have a look at these articles prepared by our Sudbury personal injury lawyers to get a better idea of the types of personal injury claims a lawyer can help you with and the types of claims and compensation you may be entitled to if you are injured in a car accident.

Get legal advice today from a top Sudbury personal injury lawyer

Sudbury personal injury lawyers at Paquette & Paquette have been providing trusted advice and strong legal representation to clients for over 50 years. Our personal injury lawyers bring extensive knowledge and experience to each accident injury case they handle. We offer a free initial consultation with one of our Val Caron or Sudbury personal injury lawyers. If you are unable to come to one of our offices, we can come to you, and we can also arrange meetings after hours or on weekends. Contact us at 705-897-7272 or toll free at 1-877-767-6356, we are here to help.


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